
An adult and baby playing speech games at home

When Toys Take Center Stage

7 Ways to Actively Promote Language Development in Children We…
a child with autism learning online

Can A Child With Autism Learn To Talk

Learning your child is diagnosed with autism may be a difficult…
parents with their 1 year old child

1 Year Old Speech Milestones

Have you and your partner been chatting endlessly with your toddler, waiting for them to elicit a reply of any kind? You’re not picky, you’d settle to hear even a “mama!”, “dada?”, or “dog”! 1 year old speech milestones can vary, and you’re not alone in being at least a little concerned. There are a number of commonly asked questions we receive regularly regarding early child language development and what 1 year old speech milestones you should look for as a new parent.
a child with a speech disorder at his desk at school

Does your child speak clearly?

Though communication begins with babbling, the actual art of…
picture of a parent helping their Childs vocabulary

9 Ways We Can Help With Your Child's Vocabulary Development

You wouldn't be a good parent if you didn't worry about your…
parents with their child who just said dada for the first time

The Babble Battle: Why Do Babies Say Dada First

We carry them for nine months, birth them and often are the primary…
a toddler on the phone smiling

Increase your Toddler’s Vocabulary In Five Easy Steps

Babies are born with almost no communication skills, except the…