Accent Modification

A collection of 12 posts

a woman during her accent modification class working on her mouth patterns
How Can I Reduce My Accent to Sound Like a Native English Speaker?

For many Americans, English is their second language. This means that they may have an accent when speaking English. Accents...

senior man representing National Alzheimer’s Month: Value of Speech Therapy to Manage the Disease
National Alzheimer’s Month: Value of Speech Therapy to Manage the Disease

November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, hosted by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, and it is the ideal...

man learning from his laptop at home
How Do I Stop Losing My Accent?

Our accents can play a major role in our personal identity and how others perceive us. Every single person in...

A girl taking online accent modification classes
Is It Possible To Change My Accent?

If you’ve ever stopped to listen to people speaking around you, you’ve probably noticed that everybody sounds a...

A man doing accent modification therapy at home on his laptop
At What Age is an Accent Permanent?

If you take the time to pay attention to how each person you interact with speaks, you quickly discover how...

a man with an accent suffering voice recognition frustration
Speech Recognition Frustration and Communication Skills

With speech and voice recognition software like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa becoming a larger part of our...

woman after accent modification
How Speech Therapy Can Help You with Successful Accent Modification

Whether you’re applying for a job or trying to effectively communicate with your friends, you know that having a...

a lady getting accent reduction tips online
What Did You Say?: The Top Accent Reduction Tips You Need to Know

In 2020, there were more than 44.6 million immigrants living in the US. That’s about 13.7% of...

a woman receiving online accent training
Proud or Problem: When Your Accent Becomes a Self-Esteem Problem

If you’re not a native English speaker, coming to the U.S. can be intimidating. Even if you’ve...

a bilingual child at home on a laptop
Great Language Development Lessons for Bilingual Parents

There is a difference between language and speech. Language is unique to humans and is defined as the underlying system...

a woman taking an online class to reduce her accent
How to Get Rid of an Accent: 4 Steps to Sounding Like a Native English Speaker

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a man leaning how to change his accent.
Leave Your Accent Behind

Everyone has an accent. No matter where you go in life, you take your accent with you. It is part...