Early Intervention

A collection of 17 posts

parents with their 1 year old child
1 Year Old Speech Milestones

Have you and your partner been chatting endlessly with your toddler, waiting for them to elicit a reply of any...

a child with a speech disorder at his desk at school
Does your child speak clearly?

Though communication begins with babbling, the actual art of articulation involves incredible coordination of many body parts including your tongue,...

picture of a parent helping their Childs vocabulary
9 Ways We Can Help With Your Child's Vocabulary Development

You wouldn’t be a good parent if you didn’t worry about your kids. But when are you right...

parents with their child who just said dada for the first time
The Babble Battle: Why Do Babies Say Dada First

We carry them for nine months, birth them and often are the primary caregiver. Then why do babies generally say...

a toddler on the phone smiling
Increase your Toddler’s Vocabulary In Five Easy Steps

Babies are born with almost no communication skills, except the ability to cry. But by two years of age, toddlers...