School Success
A collection of 21 posts

Communication Is Key: How Learning to Communicate Can Boost Your Child's Grades
Everyone wants their children to thrive in school, right? Unfortunately, communication difficulties can make that harder. Between 8% and 9%...

Here's How to Help Your School Child Cope With Executive Dysfunction
Executive dysfunction can be difficult for people of all ages and in all situations. For children trying to manage a...

Three Tips to Promote Speech and Language Therapy over the Summer
Ask my children to name the two most anticipated words of the school year and they will unanimously say: Summer...

8 Tips for Promoting Online Learning Success for Your Children During COVID-19
It’s all about the setup. As the mom of four boys, ages 4-18, I have experienced firsthand the challenges...

What Kids Love About Summer: Summer Reading (Said No One Ever) and Other Language-Promoting Tips You'll Love!
Ask my children to name the two most anticipated words of the school year and they will unanimously say: Summer...

Listening Comprehension Issues: What Parents Need to Know
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7 Signs of Reading Comprehension Problems in Children and Adults
Reading comprehension problems are lifelong issues that can truly hurt anyone’s learning process. These problems can take many different...

How to Help Your Child Develop a Strong Vocabulary
Are you looking to help your child improve their vocabulary, but aren’t sure where to begin? Helping your child...

How to Help a Child With ADHD Succeed in School
When it comes to children with ADHD, school can be a struggle. It’s hard for them to focus and...