Social Pragmatic Disorder: What you Need to Know About It
If you suspect that your child might have a social pragmatic disorder (or social communication disorder), you probably have a...
READ MOREStuttering Facts Vs. Myths: What You Need to Know
Stuttering, like most disorders, is widely misunderstood. Many people imagine that a person who stutters can simply try to slow...
READ MOREThe Important Role of TBI Speech Therapy in Treating Concussions
Every year, approximately 1.7 million cases of traumatic brain injury (or TBI for short) take place throughout the United...
READ MOREThree Benefits of Creating A Vision Board: Tips to Make It A Fun Holiday Tradition
Every December, I purchase a variety of poster boards, collect magazines, head to our local art store for scrapbooking materials...
READ MORECognitive Speech Therapy: Quick List of Adult Therapy Tasks
There are many ways that cognitive speech therapy can help adults who are having difficulty due to a medical condition...
READ MOREUnderstanding Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
Do you ever notice that you or your child has trouble managing normal conversations? Do they interrupt often or say...
READ MOREHow You Can Improve Executive Functioning Skills in Kids with ADHD
Children with ADHD struggle with their impulse control. They can often be disorganized and struggle with following any tasks that...
READ MORERead to Succeed: Mastering Reading for Academic and Life Success
“There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found...
READ MORE6 Ways To Help Language Disorders for Kids with ADHD & Dyslexia
Dealing with a child who has a language disorder can be a difficult experience for everyone involved. Not only is...
READ MOREIs Telespeech Fairly Priced and Cost Effective?
A mom recently posted in a Facebook group that she was looking for fair-priced speech therapy for her child. With...
READ MOREDon't Let the Stutter Win: How to Overcome Insecurities About Your Stutter
If you stutter, you are not alone: more than 70 million people worldwide are stutterers. That’s one in every...
READ MOREThe Latest Scholarship News for Florida Special Needs Kids
Good news for Florida residents! Your child may be eligible for the Gardiner Scholarship. Also known as the PLSA, Personal...