Teaching ‘Sh’ Words with Speech Therapy
As children grow and develop their speech and language skills, it is normal and common for them to struggle to...
READ MORELearning Multisyllabic Words with Speech Therapy
Multisyllabic words can pose a great challenge to anyone who may be struggling with their speech and language skills. Once...
READ MOREAt What Age is an Accent Permanent?
If you take the time to pay attention to how each person you interact with speaks, you quickly discover how...
READ MOREIs Adult Speech Therapy Worth it?
Online speech therapy is a valuable tool that helps numerous adults who may be struggling with their speech and communication...
READ MORECigna Speech Therapy
Many people often delay, resist, or ignore seeking support or treatment from healthcare professionals because they don’t know whether...
READ MORESpeech Therapy for Huntington’s Disease
What is Huntington’s Disease? Huntington’s disease is a degenerative brain disease that is caused by a defective gene....
READ MOREHow Does Memory Affect Speech?
While speech and memory aren’t exactly directly related, children and adults with language or communication difficulties can also often...
READ MORESounds of Silence: How the Pandemic Has Impacted Our Communication Skills
Every year since 1927, the month of May has been designated “Better Hearing & Speech Month” to promote awareness about...
READ MOREWhat is PROMPT Therapy?
PROMPT therapy is a unique holistic tactile/kinesthetic approach to speech therapy. Therapists use touch cues on the lips, jaws,...
READ MOREWhy do Girls Speak Earlier than Boys?
Speech and language are some of the most powerful tools that we use to navigate and interact with our world....
READ MOREHow does Speech and Language Affect a Child’s Reading?
Speech and language are essential parts of life, and our skills related to communication can be used to inform those...
READ MOREWhat is the Difference Between Stuttering and Stammering?
Both the words “stutter” and “stammer” are used to describe the disfluency of speech. Many people wonder if there is...