Cigna Speech Therapy
Many people often delay, resist, or ignore seeking support or treatment from healthcare professionals because they don’t know whether these services will be covered by their insurance or will have to be paid for out of pocket. No one should ever miss out on the benefit of incredible resources, because of confusion or uncertainty about their health insurance coverage. Because of this, at Great Speech, we are so proud and excited to announce that as of August 15th, 2021, we will offer in-network speech therapy with Cigna commercial insurance nationwide.
If you are a Cigna member and are interested in finding out more about what speech therapy options are available to you, schedule a free introductory call today.
Is Speech Therapy Covered by Insurance?
Health Insurance coverage can be a complicated topic because it is so unique to each person, each policy, and each provider, it can be difficult to get clear concrete answers. This is true for answers about coverage of speech and language therapy as well. Every insurance company offers different benefits, policies, and levels of coverage.
In most cases, speech therapy is covered for children with an acute injury or illness in which speech therapy is necessary for recovery. Generally speaking, speech therapy is typically covered if it is deemed medically necessary by a referring doctor or other health care practitioner.
In most cases, a preliminary screening or assessment is fully covered, and then the treatment plan set forth by the speech therapist would be fully covered by insurance, if appropriate.
What does it mean to be “In-Network”? What are the Advantages of In-Network Insurance?
Having a comprehensive knowledge of your insurance policy can help you to save yourself from unexpected medical bills. Cigna provides access to a vast network of doctors, specialists, therapists, facilities, and pharmacists. These health care providers have agreed to accept a rate on covered services in order to be a part of the network. These health care providers are considered to be “in-network.”
One of the main advantages of in-network insurance is that it can save you money, as well as a fair bit of stress and frustration. Cigna saves you money through its billing agreements with its in-network health care providers, like Great Speech. Cigna’s in-network healthcare insurance also helps to streamline and simplify the process of making an insurance claim. With limited paperwork and in some cases no payments upfront (depending on plan design), getting started with your Cigna coverage at Great Speech has never been easier.
Cigna offers popular coverage options, guidance from start to finish, access to your benefits anywhere and anytime, and quality and experience you can trust. Book a free introductory call with Great Speech to see how Cigna’s In-Network speech therapy options can benefit you.
Is Speech Therapy Covered by Cigna?
In most cases, Cigna offers coverage for online and in-person speech and language therapy when it has been recommended by a treating licensed health care provider. The treatment must require the one-to-one support of a registered speech and language pathologist and the treatment plan must include quantifiable and attainable short and long-term goals. The therapy is also required to be completely individualized and a significant improvement or benefit must be expected from the treatment plan.
Cigna also offers plans that cover services provided by a speech and language provider such as:
- Articulation & phonological disorders
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Language disorders
- Parkinson’s disease
- Stroke rehabilitation & aphasia
- Stuttering
- Traumatic brain injury
- Voice therapy
At Great Speech, we are so excited to be among Cigna’s first in-network virtual speech therapy providers. Online speech therapy can be incredibly beneficial for people who may be struggling with a wide range of speech, communication, or language challenges or disorders. Bringing speech therapy into the world of online Medicare on January 1, 2022 will maken speech and language therapy accessible and convenient for everyone. Uncertainty or confusion about one’s insurance coverage should never prevent someone from seeking the support or care they need.
This is why Great Speech is so excited to bring our team of knowledgeable and highly specialized speech and language therapy to Cigna’s high-quality and easily accessible in-network insurance programs. Click here to see if your Cigna coverage can help you on the road to communicating with ease and confidence.