Eight Great Reasons to Buy a Rubik’s Cube: Why Speech Therapists Are Using the Cube in Therapy Sessions
Some toys have true staying power. The Rubik’s cube has topped the list of best-selling toys of all times since its creation in 1974.
It’s amazing. Everywhere I go these days I see kids and adults playing with these 3-D combination puzzles, in all its various formats, from the traditional, to the two square and flat cube.
So what contributes to its success and why buy one?
Reason #1: It’s fun and dynamic. You can figure it out on your own or you can grab a lifeline by watching a YouTube how-to video. It merges the old philosophy of figuring it out for yourself with our new technological capacity to google for answers,
Reason #2: It’s the perfect social icebreaker. Take a cube to the park and within minutes you are surrounded by others who either have cubes of their own or are willing share solutions.
Reason #3: As a speech therapist, I have found that this portable game has extensive cognitive and problem solving capabilities. It helps promote spatial relationships, can be used to teach patterns and even improves eye-hand coordination for children and grownups.
Other benefits include:
Reason #4: Increases your concentration and focus
Reason #5: Promotes development of a wider perception to the process of problem solving
Reason #6: Improves short term memory
Reason #7: Teaches life lessons including patience, perseverance and pride
Reason #8: Here is my favorite advantage. Completing the puzzle promotes optimism because “most day-to-day personal problems are easier to solve than a Rubik’s Cube.”
Suddenly $12.99 seems to be a worthwhile investment. Don’t you think?