Is This Normal? The Top Five Most Frequently Asked Questions about Speech Therapy

Is This Normal? The Top Five Most Frequently Asked Questions about Speech Therapy

It’s an interesting phenomenon.

The calls for virtual speech therapy services originate from all over the world. And yet the content of the questions is surprisingly similar.

Here are the top five questions the Great Speech team answers on a regular basis:

At what age should my child speak and how will I know whether they need speech therapy or not?

Speech and language development is a process and begins with cooing and  babbling before progressing to vocalizing sounds, then words, phrases and sentences.

It is important to share with your pediatrician if your baby is making no attempt to vocalize. Equally important signs include avoiding eye contact, not smiling, laughing or engaging socially with others. These are important milestones and early intervention is crucial to prevent potential developmental delays.

The babysitter speaks to my child in Spanish. My mother speaks to her in Russian and my husband and I speak to her in English.  Can exposure to so many languages contribute to a language delay in my child?

Some professionals believe that exposure to a multitude of languages at an early age is enviable. But it may not work for every child. Language acquisition is highly individualized. Many babies find it difficult to learn and process multiple languages at the same time. It is important for you to monitor your child. If they are not developing language milestones, then a conversation with your pediatrician and a referral to a speech therapist is essential. The therapist can assess the situation and make recommendations which best match the needs of your child and the structure of your household.

My older daughter spoke in full sentences at age two but my son is still babbling. Is this normal?

Is this normal? is probably the most frequently asked question in my practice. Normal is so very individualized. Some kids walk early and some talk early. As parents, we have a tendency to compare our children, one to another. Instead, stay focused on the progression of your son’s verbal skills. Increase your conversation with him, sing to him and give him tons of reinforcement. If you are concerned about his language development, initiate a conversation with your pediatrician but avoid the comparison with your daughter. Each child should be assessed on his or her own merit.

What is the right age for speech therapy? When it too early and when is it too late?

There is no right age for speech therapy since speech therapy focuses on so many different skills: speech, language, social and organizational. Sound acquisition has a developmental hierarchy. When a speech therapist assess a child, we are assessing based on age-related milestone. There are sounds that develop early like pa and ba. And there are sounds that develop later like the R sound. Early intervention is crucial but the exact age for early intervention differs based on the sound or skill you are trying to correct. If a baby is not babbling, smiling or making eye contact, early intervention could start as early as a few months of age. For a lisp, trouble with the R sound and stuttering, the age for intervention is at a later age and is highly dependent on your child’s motivation, desire to make the change, ability to follow directions and hear the differences as well as motor control and coordination.

Speech therapy on a computer? How could virtual speech therapy possibly be effective?

Virtual Speech therapy is not only effective for the treatment of many speech-related issues, it is extremely efficient. By eliminating travel time or weather-related disruption, you can maximize results. Virtual services also makes speech therapy accessible to everyone, no matter where they (both the client and the therapist) live.

With virtual speech therapy, you have access to the services of a licensed therapist in the privacy of your home or business at a mutually convenient time. And it is fun and interactive.

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