About Avivit Ben-Aharon

Founder & Clinical Director at Great Speech Inc. | Providing Innovative Alternatives to Speech Pathology Services

Entries by Avivit Ben-Aharon

Does ADHD Affect Speech In Adults?

What is ADHD? ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD is a brain disorder that causes those affected to have difficulty with attention, focus, self-control, self-regulation, and/or sitting still when it is required. There is no cure for this disorder, and most people with ADHD will be managing their symptoms for life. While [...]

Does Dementia Cause Speech Problems?

What Is Dementia? Dementia is a neurological condition that causes memory loss and decreased cognitive abilities. It is a progressive condition, meaning it worsens over time. These problems with memory and thinking can make it difficult for the person to navigate their daily life. Remembering important information, solving problems, and planning their day becomes increasingly [...]

What Is The Goal Of Cognitive Communication Therapy?

What is Cognition? Cognition is a term that refers to the mental processes that are involved in gaining comprehension and knowledge. A few of the many various cognitive processes are thinking, knowing, judging, remembering, and problem-solving. These are higher-level functions of the brain and encompass language, imagination, perception, and planning. Language and language development are [...]

Great Speech Joins Sesame’s Direct-to-Patient Platform, Expands Access and Reach of Virtual Speech Therapy Services

HOLLYWOOD, Fla.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Great Speech, a pioneer and leader in virtual speech therapy, is pleased to announce its partnership with Sesame, the company building a radically new healthcare system for uninsured and underserved Americans by directly connecting them to high quality physicians at half the price, to further reach patients in need of virtual [...]

Why Do Alzheimer's Patients Lose Speech?

What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that was initially discovered in 1906 by Dr. Alois Alzheimer. The disease gets its name from the doctor who discovered it. The term “dementia” refers to a condition in which a person’s cognitive abilities are impaired to the point where it [...]

What is Adult Speech Therapy?

It is never too late to improve on speech, language, and communication skills. Possessing strong speaking skills is vitally important when it comes to succeeding in the social, academic, and professional parts of life. Some adults who struggle with their confidence and ability to communicate effectively may avoid certain words or speaking situations out of [...]

AHIP 2022 Focus on Pharma Costs Should Also Look Upstream at Speech Therapy to Reduce SDoH and Other Financial Stressors

Author: Drew Ben-Aharon, Chief Growth Officer & Product Development, Great Speech It was good to see colleagues at the recent 2022 AHIP conference in Las Vegas. It was the first meeting since 2019 so we had much to discuss. While many of the sessions and breakout presentations were understandably about rising pharmaceutical costs, for me, [...]

What is Pressured Speech?

Pressured Speech refers to when someone speaks at a faster pace than is usual. For many people dealing with pressured speech, they may feel like they can’t stop. Pressure speech is different from simply talking quickly as a result of excitement or just naturally speaking in that way. Someone who is affected with pressured [...]

What is A Speech Stroke?

A stroke is the result of an injury to the brain that is caused by either a bleed in the brain (referred to as hemorrhagic) or a blood clot in the brain (referred to as ischemic) causing injury and loss of function of the brain. Because the brain controls all functions of the body, any [...]

Does Aging Affect Speech?

Do Speech & Language Skills Deteriorate with Age? As we age, our bodies change in a wide variety of ways, some of which can be a surprise. While it is expected that we will slow down physically as the years go on, or that our eyesight or hearing may be affected, there are other changes [...]

Can Stress and Anxiety Cause Slurred Speech?

Stress and anxiety are things that many Americans deal with every single day. While some of the effects of stress and anxiety on the body are well known, such as loss of sleep and weight loss, not everyone knows that when stress and anxiety become severe, it can also affect one’s ability to communicate [...]

Join the Great Speech Team as a Virtual Speech Language Therapist

Did you become a speech language therapist to make a meaningful impact in the world?  Perhaps your journey with speech therapy began when someone close to you survived a stroke, or maybe a family member lives with autism spectrum disorder, or Parkinson’s disease. By observing their challenges, you were inspired to help make life [...]