a woman with dementia getting therapy

8 Ways Speech Therapy Can Ease Communicating with Dementia Patients

One of the most devastating effects of Alzheimer's and dementia…
a man using memory card to treat dementia

Communication Skills: Speech Therapy as a Treatment for Dementia

Each year, there are 9.9 million new cases of dementia. This…
girl doing online speech therapy for the R sound

Rip, Rug, Run: Speech Therapy Exercises for Remediation of the R Sound

Does your child have a language disorder or difficulty communicating?…
child on the computer pondering the future of speech therapy

The Future of Speech Therapy: Will Telepractice Play a Major Role?

I recently gave a seminar for speech therapy graduate students…
child dresses as a superhero
a man suffering from damaged vocal cords

10 Symptoms of Vocal Cord Abuse

There are dozens of jobs that rely on your voice to be effective.…
a man taking an oral mechanism exam

What To Expect During An Oral Mechanism Exam?

In the United States, around 7.5 million people have difficulty…
a father learning to speak after a traumatic brain injury

Finding Your Voice Again: Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury is getting more notoriety these days now…
a man with Asperger's receiving online speech therapy

How Speech Therapy Is Used as a Treatment for Asperger's

Getting started on a treatment plan early leads to better results.…
a man laughing with social communication disorder

8 Common Symptoms of Social Communication Disorder

Social communication disorder is a disorder characterized by…
a teen with Social Pragmatic Disorder

Social Pragmatic Disorder: What you Need to Know About It

If you suspect that your child might have a social pragmatic…
a woman with a stutter on her laptop

Stuttering Facts Vs. Myths: What You Need to Know

Stuttering, like most disorders, is widely misunderstood. Many…